If you do the things God hates and refuse to keep His commandments, you will receive the mark of the beast not the mark of God. How you live your life is evidence to God and man whether you are living by the word of God or the word of man.
God’s Promises to Those Who Keep His Commands

About twelve years ago I was attending a men's bible study group. One of the regulars told me I wasn’t a Christian. I was offended, insulted!
I had no idea what it was that he meant. Inadvertently, he gave me the greatest gift anyone could ever give another person.
I believe God told me that I was headed in the wrong direction and needed to change my ways. I was relying on myself instead of Him. I relied on men to teach me instead of His Word and Spirit. I needed to unlearn church doctrine and challenge everything I had been taught in the church that wasn’t scriptural truth.
That night I dreamed about the rapture and people around me were going up to meet the Savior and I was being left behind, it was a life-altering experience. I began repenting every sin I could think of. I remember getting on my knees and telling God I would give my life to Him and I would be obedient to His every word, without question.
Well, that began to change everything. I began to understand the Bible as I never had before. I realized that almost everything I was taught did not match up with Scripture.
I started sharing my excitement about God's’ truth, however, no one wanted to hear it. I will share with you scripture verses that changed everything beyond a reasonable doubt, you can decide for yourself. Remember these are God’s own words, rejecting them is rejecting God Himself, which has eternal consequences.
Since 2008, I have been on a quest, seeking and obeying only God’s truth to the best of my ability. I believe by presenting scripture alone and connecting pertinent scripture all in one place, if you are willing, you can discover for yourself that you need to heed what Yeshua said: "Their worship is a farce, for they teach man-made ideas as commands from God.” Matthew 15:9.
The book and the video are a gift for you. All the topics in the books are topics that have eternal consequences and are supported by scripture.
The teachings of church doctrines and man-made traditions that are being taught in the modern church contradict the word of God. Matthew 12:36 “And I tell you this, you must give an account on judgment day for every idle word you speak. ‘Everyone must die once, and after that be judged by Yeshua. Hebrews 9:27
The video is about the Hebrew roots of our faith, this movie depicts individuals God called out of the modern church to be obedient and search for his truth. Our savior is a Hebrew Jew, His Hebrew name is Yeshua which means salvation, and His father's name is Yehovah which means He saves. (His name is the only name to call on to be saved) Scripture was written in Hebrew with a Hebraic mindset depicting agriculture as analogies. Yehovah called the first five books, His instructions, for His children to follow, He calls the book Torah. Remember, it is a sin to know what you ought to do and then not do it. James 4:17
I am a wretched sinner and deserve the Second death, however, if Yehovah would choose to spare my soul I would give it gladly to save yours. The choice is yours to continue to follow the church, the man or scripture, the inspired word of Yehovah, which leads to life. Or follow man which leads to death. Yehovah saves